Page 42 - Revista Noastra Nr.53-54 (2020)
P. 42

Pe magistralele pe care le re-
        prezintă marile idei, miturile poetice,
       ESEU naționale sau universale, Eminescu
        folosește structuri mai mici ca întin-
        dere, dar care, potențând poliseman-
        tismul,  într-un  mod  paradoxal,
        măresc viteza de înțelegere, dar în
        același timp fac imersia în universul
        său poetico-ideatic mai ușoară, fide-
        lizându-te ca vizitator al unei lumi
        fascinante și perene. Experiența lec-
        turii operei sale este a unui râu care
        nu-și uită albia, dar în același timp
        descoperă mereu alte ținuturi, deși,
        cumva, mereu familiare.
               A vedea opera geniului nos-
        tru național ca pe un sistem care dăi-
        nuie  prin  facilitarea  curenților
        interiori,  conform  definiției  lui
        Bejan, a urmări câteva din structurile
        arhitecturilor de curgere precum toposul reflectare/ refractare/ trăire sau multistratificarea sensurilor, ca și
        rolul elementelor de intensificare ca baterea, zbaterea, tremurul, cutremurul ca elemente de facilitare a
        înțelegerii, dar și ca noduri de semnificații poate părea un demers cam prea postmodernist, dar, cred eu, are
        menirea de a vedea încă o dată structura măiastră și puterea magică a operei lui Mihai Eminescu.

         prof. Irina BICESCU

                                        Gothic Mood

               Mood represents a literary device that evokes  with anxiety, and then asks the reader whether they
        certain feelings or vibes in readers through precise  might consider him to be mad. He then becomes even
        choice of words and description, it is the atmosphere  more wildly eccentric when he addresses the reader,
        that creates an emotional response, engaging the rea-  saying, „Oh, you would have laughed to see how cun-
        der and contributing to a better understanding of the  ningly I thrust it in!” (referring to the light he uses to
        literary piece. There are several ways to portray the  illuminate the old man’s bed chamber), which only
        mood throughout the literary work, some of these      adds to the sense of the already pervading bad omen
        being the setting, tone, diction and theme of the story.  of what is to come.
        Edgar Allan Poe, considered the apex of American Got-        “The Raven” contains several clues that tell the
        hic  literature,  was  a  master  at  producing  specific  reader about the setting of the poem. The Gothic,
        moods in his writings, most of which are gloomy, hair-  mysterious, even morbid mood pervades the poem
        rising and eerie. Let us consider two of his masterpie-  also, from the very beginning. It starts with an unfat-
        ces, the poem “The Raven” and the short story “The    homable rapping at his “chamber door” “once upon a
        Tell-Tale Heart”, both of which undoubtedly bear tes-  midnight dreary” “in bleak December” but when the
        timony.                                               man goes to the door, expecting to find a visitor, only
               The setting is known as the physical location in  „silence” and „stillness” greet him. In the third stanza,
        a story that provides the background against which the  one additional small description is given: “the silken,
        events of the narrative take place. A particular setting  sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain” - one of
        not only provides support to the contents of the story  the few descriptions from the chamber itself. The flut-
        or its characters but also sets the overall mood of the  ter of the curtain is likely an eerie occurrence that is
        readers. The setting in “The Tell-Tale Heart”, although  meant to increase the speaker’s „terror.” The rapping
        rather equivocal, plays a valuable role, even though  continues and he realizes it is now at the window and
        the old man`s house is not described in detail. Never-  on opening it “in there stepped a stately raven” whose
        theless, the reader can get an idea of the character`s  name is “Nevermore”, a cruel mantra for the lovesick
        surroundings as Poe depicts his room as being “as     man who is finally driven mad by his own mind’s inabi-
        black as pitch with the thick darkness”. The first sen-  lity to find peace in its agony. The last description of
        tence in “The Tell-Tale Heart”: „True! – nervous - very,  the speaker’s room comes in stanza seven where the
        very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why    Raven perches “upon a bust of Pallas (the Greek god-
        will you say that I am mad?”, introduces an arrestingly  dess of wisdom) just above (the speaker’s) chamber
        strange narrator who states that he has been troubled  door.”

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