Page 63 - Revista Noastra Nr.53-54 (2020)
P. 63


        “Neutral Tones” Thomas Hardy describes the natural
        world as sterile and almost lifeless, the idea of “neutral
        tones” itself suggesting a distinct lack of colour. The
        sun is white as if it has had its life drained away, the
        leaves are grey, a symbol of decay.
               The Bible, particularly in Genesis, gives symbo-
        lic meaning to rainbows which usually indicate a bles-
        sing or promise, as the most famous rainbow given to                                                      grafica: Cristina Trestianu
        Noah after the flood or the one that occurs in the story
        of Joseph and his multicolored coat. Only that in Jo-
        seph`s case, the blessing backfired as his brothers, out
        of jealous, plotted against him and finally sold him to
        some merchants.
               One of the most highly charged with colour
        symbolism works is Edgar Allan Poe’s “Masque of the
        Red Death.” A rich prince avoids the Red Death plague
        by sealing himself and his friends in a castle and par-      The symbolism of colour in literature is of such
        tying in seven different-colored rooms. These symbo- great importance as it is an easy way for writers to
        lize the life span, beginning with blue new birth and send subliminal messages to their readers and guide
        purple infant-skin shades and moving through green their feelings about certain characters and things. We
        young life, the orange sunset, the white winter, the all interpret colour in certain ways that people can use
        violet of funeral drapes and finally a black room with to express ideas. Even in the design of book covers, co-
        blood-red tinges. In this final room, Red Death claims lour is important to attract readers. Colour does play
        the prince and his guests, a bleak end to all their co-  a role in every single thing we do, often even without
        lours.                                                us noticing.

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